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Digital Benchtop Multiparameter

Original price was: ৳ 95,000.00.Current price is: ৳ 92,000.00.

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Digital Benchtop Multiparameter (pH/Cond./TDS/Sal.)

Brand: AZ Instrument
Model: 86505
Country of Origin: Taiwan


Digital Benchtop Multiparameter

Multi Display pH, mV, ORP, Conductivity, TDS, Salt & temperature
Automatic buffer recognition to avoid errors during calibration
Maximum 5 points calibration points for pH Benchtop meters
Hold function to freeze the record
Max./Min. review of memorized data
Reliable and replaceable probe with temperature compensation
Auto or manual temperature compensation
Convenient to view calibration information of probe
“Ready” icon on LCD indicates the reading is stable
99 memories and could be downloaded to PC for analysis
Collect data via RS232 interface by linking with PC
Analog output for chart recorders
Durable electrode holder for left & right side placement
Auto or manual range for conductivity, TDS and salinity measurement

Technical Specification of Digital Benchtop Multiparameter :
pH Measuring Range: 0.00~14.00
pH Resolution:0.01
pH Accuracy: ±0.02
mV Measuring Range: ±1999 mV
mV Resolution: ±0.1 mV (-199.9~199.9 mV) or ±1 mV (others)
mV Accuracy: ±0.2 mV (-199.9~199.9mV) or ±2 mV (others)
Conductivity Measuring Range: 0~19.99, 0~199.9, 0~1999 us/cm
0~19.99, 0~199.9 ms/cm
Conductivity Resolution 0.05% of Full Scale
Conductivity Accuracy: ±1% F.S ±1 digit
TDS Measuring Range: 0~19.99, 0~199.9, 0~1999 ppm
0~19.99, 0~199.9 ppt
TDS Resolution 0.05% of Full Scale
TDS Accuracy: ±1% F.S ±1 digit
TDS Factor: 0.3~1.00
Salinity Measuring Range: 0~11.38 ppt, 0~80.0 ppt (NaCl)
Salinity Resolution: 0.1
Salinity Accuracy: ±1% F.S ±1 digit
Temperature Measuring Range: 0~80.0℃
Temperature coefficient 0~10.0%/℃
Temperature Resolution 0.1
Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5℃
Compatible Probe: pH probe (86P3, 86P2, 86P4, 86P6, 86P7, 86P1)
ORP probe (850P, 86P5) and Conductivity Probe (830P)
LCD Size: 105(L) * 40(W) mm
Operating Temperature: 0~50℃
Operating RH%: Humidity <80%
Storage Temperature” -20~60℃
Storage RH%: Humidity <90%
Battery 9V Adaptor
Meter Size: 260(L) x 168(W) x 58(H) mm
Weight ~150g
Standard Package: Meter, USA Plug Type Adaptor, Manual, Probe,
Solution, Cable, Software CD, Probe Stand, Paper Box


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